Issue II | Woman in Progress

Issue Two Cover.jpg

Features: 121 pages
Dimensions: 9in x 12in
Published by: MJ Lifestyle, LLC.

$14.95 / Digital (Sold out in Print)

Inside MJ’s second issue, we discover the many ways women can recreate their lives over and over again by living intentionally and relentlessly. MJ’s ‘It Girl’, Joanne Encarnacion is all fire and we have completely fallen for her strength, vulnerability, and self-defining challenges she often throws our way. Health & Lifestyle Coach and the woman of @gofitjo graces the cover of our second issue. Knowing Jo first-hand and able to relate to a lot of her challenges, our founder Jen was compelled to share her story as well as open up about trying cannabis for the first time since her early twenties.

Equally inspiring and courageous and gracious, MJ gets close with award-winning actress, activist & mama, Yvonne DeLaRosa, CEO of Malibu’s 99 High Tide Collective. 2018 has been a roller coaster of highs and lows for her family of mermaids and Malibu. Having just won the crusade with her husband for adult consumption & delivery for the Bu, two short days later lost all family possessions in the Woolsey Fires. Yvonne’s voice unwary finds clarity in a greater mission to help others and prepares to rise from the ashes. 

Other contributions include recipes from Mother IndicaSous Weed &; intentional living with Iman Benet, Sarah Harf of MoonCloth Designs & Dee Dussault of Ganja Yoga; interviews with Hello MD’s Pamela Hadfield and Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) Policy & Advocacy Director Natalie Lyla Ginsberg; brilliant writing by Allison Ray BenavidesRachel Hazlett and Courtney Freeman; image-rich editorials by Her Place is InSamantha AlessiNesha TorresSammy Nekole and the list goes on…



Inside the Issue: